Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Laugh At Yourself.....I am already laughing at you

"Laugh at yourself because I am probably already laughing at you," that is what a dear friend said to me this week. It is friends like this that keep me on my toes.....laughing. We all need friends who are not afraid to laugh at us and with us and we all need to be willing to be laughed at. Sometimes our life from the rest of the world's vantage point is just plain funny. I have know this for a while, but I am afraid that some people are still taken aback when I laugh at myself or them. You see, I just can't be serious about picking out new paint, the state of my checking account or the silly thing that came out of my child's mouth, when I remind myself how much God has redeemed me from and the life I was delivered from. I believe that pain gives us the later gift of laughter. Can I get an AMEN? I was recently confronted with a false accusation I can tell you that I laughed out loud? Well I did, I laughed out loud, because I have done so dern many things wrong, offensive and sinful in my short life that were so out loud and in your face that to be accused of doing something that so would take so much thought made me laugh. There has been a time in my life that I would have cried, manipulated or tried to change this persons mind about what they thought, but on this day I would have none of that. The word of God says to agree quickly with the enemy and that He (God) will be our justification and that he will contend with them (those who are trying to hurt you or trap you), it says so look for yourself in Psalms 35. If God wanted to save the life of David don't you think he cares if we are being falsely accused. You can laugh and find joy, that is the beauty of it, we don't have to take up arms or change anyone's mind. We don't have to manipulate or adjust a situation so that it will be in our favor, God is our favor. This doesn't mean that bad things won't happen, we are promised they will (more on that later, maybe), but we can joy even it. Think about that, don't be so serious, don't work so hard, don't care so much what others think, let them laugh and laugh at your self. Remember if you are a friend I may already be laughing at you.

1 comment:

Always Been Different said...

I know you been laughing @ me for years LOL!

Love and miss you my friend
