Friday, August 8, 2008

In Our Home The Cookie Cutters Broke

Who knew that my talking about discipline in our home would generate so much conversation. I am grateful for those that publicly commented and intrigued by the private comments. Please remember this is how we do it in our home. If I begin to tell you how to do it in your home that would make me no different than the theology that we were hurt by. It may work for some, but not this momma....I am just not nice enough naturally to not get angry when it doesn't work.
Over at Adventures in Mercy she wrote about the advice we can get online, without seeing the living out of this. There are so many families recovering from the same pain, because this is what we sought. That was dangerous for me, I got the advice and I ran with it, without first seeking the Word, my husband and the best interest of our family. I hurt people's hearts and I judged harshly, I didn't like me, because I was failing, constantly. I couldn't be loving or understanding of anyone else. I just wanted a list that is the OCD part of me, having a cookie cutter life would be a comfort to me....maybe. It wasn't so much that it was wrong *possibly*, its that it was wrong for us, or maybe being done for the wrong may never know. The bottom line, this is IN OUR HOME....let me say it again In Our Home. The very same teaching for some has played out very differently In Their Home. God is good that way, we are not cookie cutter people. Today I am grateful for the walk out of what was legalism, in our home, the entire experience made me who I am today. This has changed the integrity of our family, the sanctity of our marriage and my relationship with the Lord. But for God's grace it could have swallowed me alive. This is how we do it In Our Home. As folks peruse through all I have to say, I know I am wordy and opinionated, don't make it a checklist for success in your home. Make your on life. For goodness gracious, if I had a check list for success, we would look more successful. Instead In Our Home, today, we just look like the Pikes...a family seeking God daily, hoping for a little more grace and hope on the journey, healing hearts and playing with babies....while trying to give a solid education. This is my story today, in our home.
What is your story today?


The Savage said...

What is my story today? I think we might have been twins separated at birth. ;-)

I can SO relate to being "OCD" and wanting a check-list. Flying by the seat of my pants is something that's only enjoyable for me when I'm cooking. LOL

Unfortunately some "dispensers of advice" sound really good to those of us who like check-lists. You're right--it's so easy to buy into what *sounds like* the perfect cookie cutter for us without stopping to really consider the ramifications. Too, I think our religious traditions predispose us toward accepting advice from authorities without as much discernment as may be necessary. *sigh*

Praise be that His grace can overcome ALL of our short-comings. That's part of what grace is all about, right? :-) He can and will restore the years the locust have eaten.

Thanks for stopping by! :-) --Mel

Alaska said...

Fantastic post.