Saturday, July 26, 2008

Blog Roll

Be not dismayed if you have formerly been on my blog roll and do not see your site listed, I am sorting things out and re-vamping a bit, you will re appear. The best way to make it re-appear is send me a comment with the link, so I don't have to go a huntin' for it.....thanks.

I have a few folks (Hi aunts) who have wanted to leave comments but haven't been able to...try it out now I have changed the settings....go to comments check the circle that says name or go to anonymous and just sign your name in the comment...ta have done it.
Go give it a try....NOW.....I love you.

I have added a few blogs on my roll that none of my friends will find surprising for me, but you may want to comment on the views that you read about or explore, by all means do so, talk about them, enjoy them and be kind, just like you all are to nice.
That is about peruse and have fun.


J-Mom said...

I'm not sure, but I think if you hit on the highlight of the name of the person leaving a comment, you'll find the address of their blog---if they have one.

J-Moms is

Always Been Different said...

Ok heres my get a move on woman! ROFLOL!!!

Love and miss you bunches
