Friday, January 18, 2008

With the future in their hands.....

With the future in there hands…..

I have what I consider a big question, but possibly a no brainer to some of you more experienced mommas. When looking at college ideas my son talks a lot about a wonderful christian college that I would be tickled to have him attend. Now recently I was talking about schools and such, and it came up that maybe God gave us our brains and we are expected to put ourselves out there and go places like Harvard, Princeton, Stanford….et al. you get the idea. After-all, the Presidents, policy makers, movers and shakers came from these schools and don’t want our strong Christian children to fill these positions. The research does bear out, almost all of these positions and the ones in top companies are filled by people with degrees from these institutions.
We have tossed this question around before in my family, some of you may remember I have a son who went to school at the local movers and shakers all boys school, MUS, and there found the future (and sons of current) policy makers and people of power. The school has a great record and boast of future and past graduates of history making institutions of higher education. We had the wit, we had the grades, we just didn’t have the fit inness ( I know that is not a word, but it is my word). I don’t know the answers to these questions I am looking, maybe not so much for an answer for myself , but an answer to the world ( you know the always be prepared to give an answer part of the gospel). Thanks for praying about this and responding with your heart. I want to hear what you have to say…. As Always,
The Crazy momma on the run….

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